こんにちは、私のウェブサイトをご覧いただいてありがとうございます。初心者として、学ぶべきことはたくさんありますが、これから メリービーズに頻繫にアクセスすれば、それがわかるでしょう。

2023/9/16 苫小牧市市民会館で歌うのは初めてでした。




Hi There,Thank you for visiting my website.

As a beginner there`s a lot more to learn which is I will,

You can see it if you visit Merry Bees often from now on.

This was my first time singing at the Shimin Kankai in Tomokamai,with the choir of Omotemachi Catholic Church, the pictures are not clear but voices are clear, please take a little bit of time and listen.

Thank you and enjoy it.

My name is Mary Sashinami—私の名前はメィリ差波。




The memory back to in Sri Lanka.And hope to visit

in 2025.In Shalla.



追伸スリランカに いきたい人がいたら



It`s come to end of the summer and here we are already in Autumn and heading to winter,

Hope to see you my Tomakomai friends next summer of cause 

Inshalla ,and i will keep in touch wherever I am .all the best .





Hi there, How are things in life? Today I went to the beachside to have some lunch with my friends at Nonbirino Pizza shop but they don`t do Pizza anymore, It was a bit disappointed but had no choice and we had pasta instead.

The beach was very calm and gave me a relaxing feeling so I enjoyed it. when you have time please go the Beach and see the nature and feel it ,The silence is always talk to you .God bless you.




Hi,longtime after with busy schedule I`m in Asutralia at the morment and my children celebrate my 60th birthday yesterday,wiht a surprise they took me to the Craown VIP for dinner and we all had a good time thanks to my son and daughter and they are parttners and my grand daughter Sena lovely for the lovely time.これからもよろしくお願いします。